So you have hearing loss, but you’re not sure how to find an audiologist. With so many to choose from, the decision of which one is right for you can be daunting. But, with a little help from some online resources and family or friends, you’ll find the audiologist that’s perfect for you.

Things to consider 

There are several things that you should consider when selecting the right audiologist for your needs. They should have good qualifications, which includes an advanced degree in audiology and experience hours at a clinic. You also don’t want to settle for anything but the best. You want your audiologist to genuinely care about your health, wellbeing and most importantly, your hearing. They should have no trouble answering any questions you have, or ensuring the hearing device you select is working appropriately. Because of an audiologist’s educational and clinical background, they’re the right professionals to trust with your hearing issues.

Searching the internet for an audiologist

From the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association to the American Academy of Audiology, many professional organizations have search tools at your disposal. All you have to do is type in your location and preferred distance, and it will pull up audiologists in that area. Once you’ve located an audiologist that seems to fit your distance requirements, enter their name on Google to find out more information about their practice, reviews of the doctor and more. 

Ask for referrals

Another option is to ask someone who already has an audiologist or hearing aids. They may have had a good experience with their audiologist and can provide some helpful tips and tricks for your future hearing loss needs. You can also ask your primary care doctor. 

Review your insurance

Before going to see an audiologist, make sure you check with your health insurance to see what will and won’t be covered, if you need a referral and whether or not there are preferred providers that will be more covered than others. If you can’t access your benefits online, a quick call to your insurance company will give you all the information you need. While hearing health insurance still has a long way to go to be fully encompassing, many plans do provide coverage for hearing tests.

Finding the right audiologist is a very personal choice and one you must make yourself. Use all of the information you’ve gathered about the audiologists in your area, and make an appointment – you’ll be happy you did.