Hearing loss affects people of all ages and stages of life, from infants to elders. The National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders reports that 28.8 million adults in the U.S. alone could benefit from the use of hearing aids. If you’ve recently become aware of possible hearing loss and are scheduling an appointment with an audiologist, there are 10 important questions you’ll want to get answered. 

Questions to ask your audiologist

  1. What is my type of hearing loss?
  2. Will it get worse?
  3. Is my type of hearing loss genetic?
  4. Did (or can) diet and medication affect my hearing?
  5. What can I do to protect my hearing from further damage?
  6. What precautious do I need to take on a daily basis?
  7. Would hearing aids or other devices help, and what specific types are available?
  8. What can I do to maximize the hearing I have?
  9. What techniques can compensate for my hearing, and how can I get these skills?
  10. How can friends and family help (they’ll want to know)?

The answers to many of these questions depend on the type and extent of your hearing loss and your individual circumstances. By providing accurate information about your individual circumstances, lifestyle, preferences and support network to round out the information revealed in your full hearing evaluation, you can help your audiologist determine these answers.

The benefits of asking questions

Using this list of questions during your appointment with an audiologist will encourage two-way communication. Beyond showing up for an exam, taking an active interest in your hearing health is important because it will give you a solid foundation for your experience with life after hearing loss. You won’t just be the patient; you’ll be a participant in the treatment and recovery process. Ultimately, your hearing will be better off when you not only ask these questions, but take your role in answering them seriously.

Ask an audiologist these top ten questions if you or someone you love is experiencing hearing loss, and let the answers turn into your tools for living a healthy, fulfilled life in spite of it.