If you or someone you love is currently experiencing hearing loss, you’ve probably considered getting a hearing aid. A hearing aid can be a great device for someone going through hearing loss. These devices can also contribute to your quality of life and increase participation in social activities.  

So, how does a hearing aid work to help you hear well? 

How They Work 

A hearing aid works on a very simple concept. The device helps you hear by becoming an amplifier for the sounds around you. Hearing aids work as amplifiers by taking sound via a microphone that’s built into the aid itself. Once the sound has come to the hearing aid, it is amplified and filtered before being sent to your ear. Some hearing aids filter sounds or modify them to help you hear better in certain situations. For example, filtering out background noise when you’re trying to have a conversation. 

Hearing aids come in a variety of styles and options, but the basic premise is the same. Your audiologist will test your hearing and make the ultimate determination on the type of hearing aid that will work best for you. 

Wearing Hearing Aids for the First Time 

In today’s modern age, all hearing aids are digital. Though, you may still find the occasional analog model in use. Hearing aids take some time getting used to once you start wearing them. You may even need to have your audiologist tune the hearing aids over the course of wearing them. Every person has different experiences with hearing aids as hearing loss itself is different for every individual. 

Your audiologist will also be able to show you the different setting that your hearing aid has. For example, tuning it for group settings or even for a quiet room. You can tailor the settings for individual conversations or filter out background noises like those found in a mall or grocery store.  

Types of Hearing Aids 

There are many different types of hearing aids and the kind you have may depend on your hearing loss. You can also make a decision based on the style or visibility of the hearing aid. Hearing aids come in the following types: 

  • Behind the Ear (BTE) – this hearing aid has two parts, one goes behind your ear and then connects to another part that sits inside your ear. 
  • In the Ear (ITE) – as it sounds, the model sits completely inside your ear. An ITE model can be more discreet than other hearing aid models. 
  • Receiver in the Canal (RIC) – if you’re concerned about discretion, an RIC hearing aid sits inside the ear canal and is completely invisible. This is the most discreet hearing aid available today. 

The good thing is that you have a lot of choices with hearing aids. So, you should be able to find a hearing aid that meets your needs while matching your personal style. Always talk to your audiologist if you have any questions. They will be the best source of information if you have concerns about the hearing aids or need more information. 

Hearing aids work to help you hear better, which in turn, improves the quality of your life and those around you!