If you live in a cold weather area, you know that it takes a bit of preparation to welcome Old Man Winter. Snow tires for the car – check. Winter coats and boots – check. From the furnace to the fireplace, you’re ready for any Arctic blast. But there may be something you haven’t considered – what about your hearing aids and cold weather? Consider the following tips to avoid problems during winter.

Be prepared

There are a number of things you can do to prepare for cold weather. Keep a good supply of batteries available (depending on how often you change the batteries). Cold drains battery life and sometimes your batteries run out faster. With spares you can be assured you’ll always be prepared.

Mom’s winter advice was right! Wear a hat, earmuffs or a scarf over your ears when you’re outside. It helps to keep your hearing aids dry and warm.

If you enjoy winter sports, consider the best ways to protect your units. Many people remove their hearing aids when skiing, snowmobiling, or ice skating. If you choose to remove them, be sure to store them in a safe place that keeps them warm. Avoid using your car’s glovebox or anyplace where the units are exposed to cold.

Avoid moisture

While cold temperatures can have affect the performance of your hearing aids, there’s another culprit that is not so obvious – moisture. Just as your glasses fog up when you come inside from being out in the cold, the same thing happens inside your hearing aids. That moisture can collect inside the units as well as in the battery compartment.

Once you’re inside, it’s a good idea to remove your hearing aids and wipe them down. Open the battery compartment and allow any moisture to evaporate.

As we mentioned earlier, covering your ears is a good idea when you’re outside. This also helps to wick away perspiration, especially during vigorous activities such as shoveling snow or sports. Behind-the-ear hearing aids can be protected with hearing aid sweatbands, which help absorb moisture.

If condensation in your hearing aids seems to happen often, consider investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier. Many people find it helpful to remove moisture and extend the life of your units.

Watch for problems

As always, take good care of your hearing aids and check them often for any signs of problems. Signs of moisture exposure include weak or intermittent sound, crackling or static, or no sound at all. Often simply cleaning the units, replacing the battery, and allowing any condensation to evaporate may fix the issue. If not, see your hearing health provider.

Taking just a little extra care during cold weather months should help avoid any problems with your hearing aids. Ice skating, skiing, snowball fights and other outdoor activities are the fun part of winter. Don’t let the weather get the best of you! With these tips, your hearing aids and cold weather will get along just fine.