It is sobering to know one in 10 Americans suffer from hearing loss. Of these people, the commonest cause is exposure to loud noise which damaged their hearing. This might result from take the sustained sound of noisy machinery or the occasional deafening (literally) explosion, but whatever the reason hearing loss due to damaging sound is common.

With this in mind let’s consider five sound reasons why wearing ear defenders make complete sense.

1. Occasional loud noises

Even if you work in a library, your hearing could still be at risk if your lifestyle choices such include regularly attending music festivals. This is because damage is a result of both the volume and the length of time you are exposed to sound.

Thus a gig where the noise exceeds 140 decibels for several hours is likely to leave you with a nasty ringing in the ears. This is a taste of things to come and if you’re regularly expose your ears to loud noises the damage will accumulate. For the health of your future hearing you should consider wearing ear defenders.

Members of the armed forces are especially vulnerable to noise-induced hearing loss. A single gunshot or an explosion can be enough to cause physical damage to the ear and deafness. Hence adequate ear protection is essential to avoid long term hearing issues.

2. The noisy workplace

We mentioned the arm forces, but other occupations are also at risk. These include musicians, construction workers, those exposed to industrial machinery or heavy traffic.

How long you can be exposed without damaging hearing depends on how loud the noise is. For example a rock musician puts their hearing at risk when playing for more than 15 minutes a day with unprotected ears. The safest option is to get into the habit of wearing ear defenders and play it safe.

3. Unexpected household hazards

You might assume your ears are safe in the home…but you’d be wrong to do so. Many household appliances from hairdryers to leaf blowers or lawn mowers, reach dangerously high decibel levels.

4. Your employer requires it

Health and safety regulations put the onus on your employer to look after your hearing health. If you work with machinery such as in a factory or construction site then your employer may stipulate you must wear ear defenders. They have your long term best interests at heart so don’t be tempted to dodge wearing defenders when your boss isn’t around.

5. Greater choice

These days there are ear defenders designed to meet different types of need. For example, musicians can wear ear defenders that dull certain frequencies whilst leaving them able to hear others. Whilst a different type of ear defender may be appropriate for industrial use, but is designed to be comfortable enough to wear all day with a hard hat.

Speak to your audiologist about the best ear defender for your needs.