Because hearing loss is often gradual, it can be difficult to tell when someone has lost their hearing over an extended course of time. Hearing loss may go unnoticed by your loved one due to the fact that they’ve become so used to not hearing well. Identifying the indications of hearing loss and encouraging them to get help from an audiologist is critical.

Hearing Loss Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of hearing loss might differ depending on the type and severity of the hearing loss. There are certain obvious indicators that your loved one has hearing loss, so it’s important to get them checked out right away.

They regularly request that others repeat themselves

One of the most evident indications of hearing loss is repeatedly requesting the speaker to repeat themselves. When a loved one’s hearing is impaired, he or she may request that the speaker repeat himself or herself.

They complain about people mumbling

Because of a loved one’s inability to hear, they may accuse others of speaking too softly or muttering. This is a common defense mechanism or denial tactic. If someone has hearing loss, sounds can appear muted, giving the impression that the individuals around them are muttering even when they are not doing so.

They’ve turned up the TV volume higher than usual

There is a good chance that your loved one is experiencing from hearing loss if the volume on the TV is turned up more than normal or feels uncomfortably loud. A loved one who keeps requesting you to crank up the volume on the television while you’re watching with them have hearing loss.

They are unable to hear the doorbell or the ringing of the phone

It is common for those who have hearing loss to be unaware of sounds such as the doorbell or the phone ringing. If you notice a loved one misses phone calls or doesn’t hear the door, they may have hearing loss.

If you speak with your back to them, they will not hear what you have to say

Many people with hearing loss think their hearing is good because they can understand sounds when they are in front of the speaker and can see their mouth, but this isn’t true. This is due to the fact that they are typically reliant on lip reading in order to comprehend what is being said. Turning your back on them while speaking can make them miss out on what you are saying.

What Can You Do?

If you spot any of these indications in a loved one, they may be suffering from hearing loss. It’s essential to be supportive to your loved one and to avoid being accusatory towards them at all times. Sitting down with them and having a talk is the most effective tool to support them. Inform them that you are worried about them since you have detected indicators of hearing loss. Encourage them to visit an audiologist to get their hearing evaluated. It may also be beneficial to accompany them to their appointment in order to make them feel more comfortable.