If you have hearing aids, then you will know how important it is to keep them well-maintained. Only by doing this, can you keep them working efficiently. When your hearing aids are in good condition, they will function at the optimum level and they will also deliver the best result for you overall. At times, despite your efforts to maintain your hearing aids, they can encounter issues, necessitating repairs to be arranged with an audiologist. Hearing aids are complex devices, which is why they can improve your hearing so much. With that in mind, it’s possible for technical issues to occur, and if this happens you need to get yours repaired as soon as possible.

Earmold Issues

Did you know that it is possible for the shape and the size of your ear to change over time? Changes like this mean that even if your earmolds were the perfect fit when you first bought them, that they won’t stay that way over the long term. Having an ill-fitting hearing aid mold can lead to other issues like them not sitting properly or feeling as though the mold is slipping around in your ear. Sometimes you may even feel as though they are going to fall out. Your audiologist will be able to make a new earmold impression for you, so you can have it matched to your ear size and shape. This will help your hearing aids to feel more comfortable and it could even help you to hear better.

Cracked Casing

Have you cracked the casing for your hearing aid? Cracked casings tend to be very common and can happen if you drop your hearing aids or if you step on them by accident. If your hearing aid case is cracked, then you need to replace it as soon as possible. If the damage to the casing isn’t severe then your audiologist may even be able to repair them for you.

Tubing Issues

If you wear hearing aids behind the ear, then you may notice an issue with the tubing over time. You may notice that the tubing becomes discolored or that it doesn’t fit as well as it could. Problems with the tubing can impact the quality of your hearing aid, and it can stop them from working as well. If this happens visit your audiologist. They will be able to fit some new tubing for you, as well as making sure that your hearing aids are working perfectly once more. Once the have fixed the tubing issues, they will be able to make any other adjustments you need to your hearing aids, like adjusting the volume.

As time passes, your hearing aids might require repairs. It’s crucial to address these issues promptly. Delaying repairs could impact the effectiveness of your hearing aids, potentially hindering their ability to provide you with the maximum benefit. Contact an audiologist if you are experiencing issues with your hearing aids, as they can help to provide a solution for your hearing aids and needs.

Tags: hearing aid repair, hearing aid services