If you have ever wondered why you might need to see an audiologist, then wonder no more: 

See an audiologist for a hearing test

If you notice that the sounds you hear are not quite as clear as they once were, that speech appears to be muffled or indistinct, or that you often feel the need to increase the volume on your TV, then a hearing test could be very helpful. Audiologists have many types of hearing tests in order to gain the best possible understanding of your hearing health; they will then analyze the results of these tests and can, if found, diagnose hearing loss. 

See an audiologist if you need or use hearing aids 

As well as diagnosing hearing loss, audiologists are also involved in the process of treating the condition – primarily with hearing aids. An audiologist is expertly trained to help people to find the right hearing aids for their specific needs, and can make recommendations as to which style of device might be most suitable. 

See an audiologist if your hearing aids need to be fitted, cleaned or repaired

Audiologists do not just prescribe hearing aids; they can also fit the devices, make alterations to the programs if required and professionally clean or repair any malfunctions a hearing aid may develop. 

See an audiologist if you need advice on hearing protection 

Noise over 85 decibels can potentially damage hearing, which is why hearing protection – such as earplugs and earmuffs – should be worn if you are regularly exposed to sound over the safe level. For example, people who work in noisy industrial environments and regular attendees of sports events or concerts can all benefit from wearing hearing protection. An audiologist can help to advise which type of hearing protection is most suitable for your lifestyle. 

See an audiologist to discuss tinnitus treatment 

Tinnitus – a condition that causes people to hear phantom sounds, such as ringing, beeping, or clicking – is usually treated by an audiologist. There are several treatment options available that can help to provide relief from the condition, and your audiologist will help decide which course of action is most suitable for you.

See an audiologist if you are experiencing impacted ear wax 

If you are experiencing symptoms such as earache, tinnitus, a feeling of fullness in the ear or dizziness, then impacted earwax may be the cause. An audiologist can check your ears and, if impacted earwax is diagnosed, can administer professional treatment to remove the earwax and resolve the symptoms. 

See an audiologist if you suspect you may have a balance disorder

It may be surprising to some, but balance disorders – which can cause dizziness, vertigo and a feeling that you are going to fall – are primarily treated by audiologists, as the cause of these conditions is often related to the inner ear. Your audiologist will be able to diagnose the condition and decide on the best course of treatment.

If you develop any of the symptoms of any of the above conditions, then schedule an appointment with an audience in order to receive the expert assistance you need.