Why are Hearing Tests Important?

It’s easy to not think about your hearing health before you notice that something could be wrong with it. As long as everything is working as expected, why would you be concerned? However, there are still plenty of reasons to make an appointment with your audiologist to arrange your hearing test, even if you think your hearing is completely fine.

It’s best to have a baseline to start from

For most people, the last time they had a baseline test was when they were a child. Baseline tests are important as they make it much easier to spot the signs of hearing loss by giving the audiologist earlier records to compare current tests to. If you’re older than 21, you should arrange a baseline hearing test as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can be difficult to tell when the beginnings of age-related hearing loss start to make their impact.

Hearing loss isn’t always easy to notice

You might think that it makes sense to anticipate making an appointment when you have reason to believe you’re suffering from hearing loss. However, if you have never had a baseline test, you may have already experienced it without noticing. Age-related hearing loss occurs gradually, and you might not even notice symptoms, such as having to turn up the volume too high on the TV to hear it until someone else tells you about it. With a hearing test as part of your annual physical, you won’t miss a single change in your hearing health.

Prevention is the best cure

Early treatment of your hearing health could protect you against a range of issues. For one, talking about hearing risks with your audiologist could help them highlight the threat of hearing loss and tinnitus, and methods to avoid it, such as by using hearing protection. However, by taking proactive steps to identify and treat hearing loss, you can also lower your risk of developing dementia or the decrease in cognitive function that have been statistically tied to hearing loss.

The impacts can go beyond your hearing

Undiagnosed hearing loss can cause a lot of difficulties. There are the practical concerns of being unable to hear the world around you, but there are further impacts, as well. Academically, learning deficits can arise because you may not be able to absorb information as well. Professionally, that same problem can lead to a stagnation in your career. Difficulty in communicating can lead to strained relationships and isolation. All of this can increase your risk of developing depression, chronic stress, and anxiety. Clarifying the situation with the help of an audiologist can be a step towards better mental health.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of hearing loss, such as consistently having to turn the volume up on the TV, having to ask people to repeat what they say, or the muffling of sounds, don’t hesitate to make an appointment. Your audiologist can help you get to the bottom of your hearing health and ensure that you do what you can to protect it.