Ear protection can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be used to protect the ears from cold and water, but it is predominantly used to protect the ears from loud noises. Sound is measured in decibels, and anything over 85 decibels can be very dangerous for the hearing – especially if the ears are subjected to it continuously. There are many activities that reach 85 decibels or more that can be damaging to the hearing and ears, including:

  • Heavy traffic
  • The work environment
  • Concerts
  • Using power tools
  • Mowing the lawn

Ear damage and hearing loss are totally preventable with the proper equipment and care. However, once damage has occurred, it is irreversible. Once you’ve been diagnosed with noise-induced hearing loss, hearing aids can be used to improve hearing as much as possible. If ear protection is not used when required, the following can happen:

  • Hearing loss: hearing loss is irreversible and will make things like having a normal conversation or watching the TV difficult. You may have to ask people to repeat themselves, and you may find this embarrassing. You may have to turn the TV up and still have trouble hearing, while everybody else in the household says it is too loud.
  • Balance issues: as the ears are directly connected to your balance, problems with them can mean problems balancing as normal. Exercise and day-to-day activities can become difficult.
  • Depression: many people who suffer from hearing damage also end up suffering from depression and other mental health issues as a result.
  • Tinnitus: a ringing or buzzing in your ears that may be present some or all of the time.
  • Pulsating in the ear: this may be uncomfortable and noticeable some or all of the time.
  • Pain: pain in the ears is common after damage occurs.

Using ear protection

Using ear protection now is the only way to avoid the issues caused by damage to the ears. If you are a regular concertgoer, somebody who works in a noisy environment, or using power tools on a regular basis, you should look for appropriate ear protection before it is too late.

There are two main types of ear protection: earplugs and defenders. The former options are more cost-effective and a good way to get started, but they may not be substantial enough if you are in an especially noisy environment.

The goal should be to get the noise down to less than 85dbs, while staying above 70dbs. It’s important to note that blocking out too much noise in certain situations can be dangerous and mean missing out on important warning signals.