It is a common belief that there is nothing that can be done for those who suffer from tinnitus. However, this is not always the case, and there are ways that it can be treated. It depends on what has caused your tinnitus and what you have already tried to combat it. Don’t worry; just living with it is something that you won’t have to do for much longer. Here are some of the best treatments for tinnitus.

Hearing aids

You might not think that hearing aids can be used to help relieve the impacts of tinnitus but they can. A lot of people who experience tinnitus already wear hearing aids for other hearing loss problems. In 2007, the American Tinnitus Association conducted a survey and found that 60 percent of people said that their hearing aids give them some relief from tinnitus.

This could be because hearing aids often allow people to hear sounds that they would otherwise miss. Because the wearer will hear the other sounds, it might help to drown out the tinnitus and bring some relief. This is good because when you can hear all the sounds around you, the tinnitus noise might not be so high.

Additionally, tinnitus masking can be programmed into certain hearing aids, which will also help with the alleviation of symptoms. To determine if you could benefit from using hearing aids, schedule an appointment with an audiologist to be evaluated.

Sound machines

If you have tinnitus, you can think about investing in a sound machine. This will play soothing sounds and can sometimes cover the sound of the tinnitus. If you go to an audiologist, they will be able to tell you the best type of sound machine to get and what sounds will work well to help mask the sound of the tinnitus.

This type of sound therapy can be used for soothing as well as just masking. The sounds that you play might be ones that you find particularly comforting and can, therefore, help you fall asleep at night when tinnitus might be at its loudest. It might be the case that you forget it is there to mask your tinnitus in the first place because you are enjoying the sound.

Tinnitus retraining therapy

This type of therapy will help you live with your tinnitus on your conscious and your subconscious levels. The end goal here is for the sound to become such a habit that you just stop noticing it after a while and it has proved effective with many people. An example would be raindrops. You hear them for a little while when it first starts raining, but after a while, you just stop hearing it even though it is still going. This is the idea behind tinnitus retraining therapy and it is a very popular treatment option.