Nobody likes the thought of losing their hearing. Unfortunately, hearing loss is almost unavoidable as you go through life. When you get older, your hearing will naturally suffer and get worse. But, certain things – like being exposed to loud noises – can speed up this process. 

If you suffer from hearing loss, then an audiologist can help you. See one for an appointment, and they’ll provide a solution to this problem. During your appointment, we recommend asking your audiologist these key questions about hearing loss: 

Is my hearing loss permanent?

Sometimes, hearing loss can be temporary. This commonly happens when damage is caused to your ear, and you suffer from hearing loss until it’s fixed. A frequent example of this is someone who attended a concert and hasn’t been able to hear properly for a week. Or, someone with a build-up of wax in their ears. 

Naturally, temporary hearing loss is different from permanent. The treatments differ, and it makes a significant difference in your life. So, it’s well worth understanding if your hearing is gone forever, or if it will come back. 

Will my hearing loss get worse?

Ask your audiologist this question to see what might happen if you don’t act. The purpose of this is to realize whether you should treat the issue right away. If they explain that it will get considerably worse – to the point that you’re deaf – then you know you have to take action immediately to protect what hearing power, you have left. 

Can I do anything to stop my hearing from getting worse?

Some of you may have minor hearing loss that doesn’t require immediate treatment. In this case, you should ask what can be done to prevent further hearing loss from happening. Here, your audiologist can provide a few tips to ensure you protect your hearing from further damage. 

What treatment options are available?

In most cases, your audiologist will explain that hearing aids are the best course of treatment. These devices fit in your ears and help amplify the world around you. Your hearing isn’t technically ‘fixed,’ but you can hear with far more clarity and improve the standard of your life. 

Sometimes, they may suggest earwax removal or surgical procedures to help solve issues within your ears. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what treatment you want out of the options provided. 

Can you explain how hearing aids treat hearing loss?

If hearing aids are the only solution available, then you should ask how they work. This gives you a greater understanding of what these devices can do for you. Plus, your audiologist can talk about all the features that may be beneficial for someone with your hearing loss. In effect, this helps arm you with more knowledge to make a more informed decision when choosing hearing aids. 

The best way to combat hearing loss is by reacting to it as early as possible. As such, you must schedule regular check-ups with an audiologist. A hearing test once a year tells them how healthy your hearing is, and you pick up on any issues early on. Thus, it’s easier to treat the problem and prevent your hearing from completely deserting you.