It’s likely that most people have suffered with tinnitus — characterized as a ringing in the ears — at one time or another. However, those who suffer with tinnitus regularly or even permanently often have a lower quality of life. Tinnitus can be caused by many different things, but most commonly is caused by damage to the inner ear. Once tinnitus is present, there are treatments that can reduce the impact, but taking preventive measures is always better than having to rely on therapy and various treatments to reduce it.

Consider the many ways tinnitus can impact one’s quality of life:

A constant distraction

There’s no denying that tinnitus can be a distraction to those who have it permanently. It’s always buzzing away in the background. There are therapies that can train sufferers to ignore that distracting background noise. Visiting an audiologist is usually the best bet for sufferers who aren’t sure what to do.

Hearing loss

Tinnitus is often associated with hearing loss, as inner ear damage is usually the cause. With hearing loss can come pain, and a number of other issues. Hearing loss can be permanent, as it is due to the sensitive inner components of the ears becoming damaged, rendering them unable to transform vibrations into sound as they are supposed to. With hearing loss a person can struggle to communicate at work, with relatives, and enjoy life in general.

Sleep troubles

Because tinnitus can be very distracting, it can stop a person from sleeping. Many need total silence to sleep, but those with tinnitus will never be able to enjoy total silence. A lack of sleep can come with many other issues, including trouble concentrating in everyday life, feeling exhausted, weight gain and even depression.

Other problems associated with tinnitus include:

  • Distress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability or frustration
  • Poor concentration
  • Pain (particularly when tinnitus is accompanied by hyperacusis)

If you’re suffering from tinnitus, even semi-regularly, it’s a good idea to see a professional who will be able to get to the root of the problem and suggest treatment for a higher quality of life. You may not be able to get rid of your tinnitus entirely, but you will be able to learn to reduce the noise and pay less attention to it. Some treatments for tinnitus include white noise therapy, medication, hearing aids, cochlear implants and even lifestyle changes. The perfect treatment will vary from person to person.