Many people have been experiencing hearing loss for years before they make an appointment to get a hearing screening. Once you fail a hearing screening and are referred to an audiologist for testing you will probably have many questions. Here are a few answers that should set your mind at ease as well as suggestions for questions you should ask the audiologist.

Hearing testing

The actual hearing testing is not painful. The most invasive type of hearing test is tympanometry. To perform this test, an otoscope is used to peek into your ear to make sure the eardrum is not perforated. If you have ever had a doctor shine a light in your ear, you’ve had an examination with an otoscope. Next the tympanometry probe is inserted. It is not uncomfortable and is similar to the otoscope. It generates a change in pressure in the ear, generates a tone and measures the eardrum reaction. None of this hurts!

The next phase of hearing testing involves listening to a series of frequencies at different sound levels. The results are charted on an audiogram.

Once you have the results of your hearing testing, the audiologist will explain to you what the testing results mean and if you need to take action to improve your hearing.

Questions to ask the audiologist about hearing loss

If the hearing testing indicates that you have hearing loss, you will probably have many questions. Here are just a few that you might want to ask.

  1. What type of hearing loss do I have?
  2. Will my hearing loss get worse, stay the same or get better?
  3. Can my hearing loss be passed on to my children?
  4. What caused my hearing loss?
  5. What can I do to protect the hearing levels I currently have?
  6. Are there changes I should make to my lifestyle? Is it still safe for me to drive?
  7. What techniques can I use to help me adapt to my hearing loss? Should I learn lip reading?
  8. How do I tell my family about my hearing loss? Are there strategies I can use to help me communicate better with my family and friends?
  9. Will hearing aids or a cochlear implant help me hear better?

Questions to ask about hearing technology

Your audiologist will make a recommendation on utilizing technology to help you hear and improve your quality of life. Since most people aren’t familiar with these forms of technology, you will probably have many questions. Be sure to ask these as well:

1. What type of hearing technology will benefit me the most?

2. If I need a hearing aid, do I need one or two aids? What type of hearing aid do I need?

3. How much will my hearing aids cost?

4. How long will my hearing aids last?

5. What if I don’t like the hearing aids or if they don’t work?

6. Aside from hearing aids, are there other forms of technology I should use?

This last question is very important to discuss with the audiologist. For example, if your hearing loss prevents you from hearing alerts from a weather radio, you need alternative signaling technology. The same is true for alarm clocks, fire alarms and doorbells.

Your audiologist will partner with you to select the right devices for you. They are there to help you live with your hearing loss. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions that may come to mind.