The stigma associated with hearing loss was conceived decades ago, when technology was less advanced, clunky and imperfect. Thanks to the advanced technology available with hearing aids today, individuals suffering from hearing loss should no longer have to worry about this negative stigma, right?

Unfortunately, while hearing loss treatment has progressed, the stigma associated with hearing aids has not. So what are the issues you’re faced with if suffering from hearing loss?

  • Only old people have hearing loss. This is a common misconception; however, people of all ages have hearing loss. Hearing loss can be caused by trauma, disease and age, as well as many other factors. Hearing loss does not discriminate based on age.
  • People with hearing loss are dumb. This is another common, but completely untrue misconception. Intelligence has nothing to do with hearing loss. Mozart, one of the most famous composers of all time, had severe hearing loss, but it did not limit his brilliance when it came to creating some of the most amazing and beautiful pieces of music. Halle Berry lost 80 percent of hearing in one ear due to domestic violence and still is one of the best-known actresses of all time, even winning an Oscar for her work. Hearing loss does not impact an individual’s intelligence.
  • Those with hearing loss have mental health problems. No, this is untrue as well. Yes people with hearing loss can become depressed due to their hearing loss but just because you have hearing loss does not mean you have a mental health disease. Everyone gets depressed or sad from time to time no matter if you have hearing loss or not.
  • They are poor. Net worth has nothing to do with hearing loss. People of all ages, races and financial classes have hearing loss. Hearing loss is not financial-class related.
  • They just hear what they want to. No a person with hearing loss does not have “selective” hearing. A person with hearing loss is physically unable at times to hear certain sounds due to the degree and severity of their hearing loss. However, with increased amplification from a hearing aid a person with hearing loss may be able to hear those sounds again.
  • They just can’t hear anything. It is true a person with hearing loss has problems hearing certain sounds at certain volumes. That they need amplification help in order to hear properly. But there is so much to a hearing aid and what it does to help a person hear. It is not as simple and just turning up the volume. A hearing aid is a very complicated device that is customized to each user’s hearing loss.