Hearing tests are the first step to finding a solution to your hearing loss problems. Meeting with the audiologist for your first hearing test can feel overwhelming when you’ve never done it, but by taking a few steps to prepare you can feel more at ease and get the most out of your appointment.

Quiet time

Some studies on loud noises have concluded that extremely loud noises can lead to temporary hearing loss for up to 16 hours. Try to keep your surroundings somewhat quiet for the day leading up to your test, meaning no loud concerts, airplane runway visits or other extremely loud noises. Give yourself the day before to relax and keep quiet will help keep your hearing test results accurate and not skewed by temporary noise-induced hearing loss.


If you’re coping with an earwax impaction or blockage, simply talk to your audiologist about your problems. Don’t try to remove the blockage yourself, as this could lead to you pushing the impaction deeper into the ear canal and creating more problems. Your audiologist will physically examine your ears prior to the hearing test, so they’ll be able to address any possible issues you have then.

Being sick

If you have a cold where you feel stuffed up or like your sinuses are clogged, reschedule your hearing test. Being sick can significantly decrease your hearing and could definitely skew the results of your hearing test.

Prepare your questions

If you have any questions for your audiologist, get those questions ready before your appointment. You can note them in your phone or write them down. Make sure you actually do keep track of them, because in the heat of the moment you may forget what questions you had!


Whenever people hear the word “test” it makes them immediately nervous. It’s important that you remember that the audiologist’s job is to help you with your hearing. You can’t “fail” a hearing test. You just may have varying levels of hearing loss. This is a process that you have to go through in order to get the help you need, so let it happen and look forward to better days.

You should be proud of yourself for taking the first step to get your hearing checked out. Don’t be nervous and follow these tips for an easy appointment with your audiologist.