Tinnitus can range from a minor nuisance that improves over time to a condition that is so severe and debilitating that it can cause you to lose sleep. Thankfully, audiologists do have a number of different treatments available for tinnitus that can help you overcome the condition so that you can finally be rid of the annoying high-pitched buzzing or ringing that is bothering you. In this post, we’re going to talk about the process of treating tinnitus and what it involves.

1. Your audiologist will first diagnose your tinnitus

The first thing your audiologist will do is actually diagnose your tinnitus. This is an important step because it will reveal the frequencies at which the tinnitus occurs so that your audiologist can plan the right treatment at a later stage. This often involves a hearing exam that can also help you determine if you’re suffering from hearing loss which is commonly associated with tinnitus. Your audiologist may also ask you to try and define your tinnitus because in many cases it can actually help to diagnose the cause of your tinnitus.

2. Dealing with the underlying condition

In some cases, your tinnitus may be caused by something physical such as an ear infection or impacted earwax. In this case, your audiologist can likely clear up the condition which will likely get rid of your tinnitus. This can include earwax removal to deal with blockages, it could involve treating an infection in your ear and your tinnitus could also be caused by the medication that you’re taking. By dealing with the underlying condition first, you can get rid of the tinnitus at its source. However, if dealing with the suspected underlying condition doesn’t help, then your tinnitus is likely caused by damage to the nerves in your ear. This can be the result of exposure to loud noises or caused by physical damage such as a blow to the head.

3. Suppressing the tinnitus

If the underlying cause cannot be found or treating it does not treat your tinnitus, then the next option is to suppress the tinnitus. This often involves therapy to help you retrain your mind to filter out the tinnitus, the use of hearing aids or even a white noise generating machine that can mask the tinnitus. Your audiologist will likely recommend the option they feel is best for your personal needs, but you will also have a choice depending on what you find more convenient or effective. It may take some time to get used to the tinnitus suppression devices, but it can offer you relief during situations where you need it the most such as when you're trying to sleep or focus on work.

Tinnitus is a condition that can gradually disappear over time because your brain learns to filter the sound out. However, if your tinnitus is severe and debilitating, then your audiologist can offer suggestions on how to treat it with immediate solutions as opposed to waiting for your brain to naturally filter it out.