Audiologists are primarily associated with the treatment of hearing loss, hearing aid fitting and management. However, while it is true that audiologists do manage hearing health, the number of conditions and the ways in which they can help you are far more expansive – as we have outlined in more detail below. 

Hearing health concerns 

  • Audiologists can help with all aspects of hearing loss care and management. They can administer tests to establish the type and degree of hearing loss a person may be experiencing and recommend suitable treatment. 
  • Often known as ringing in the ears, tinnitus is a hearing health condition that can impact a person’s quality of life. Audiologists can diagnose tinnitus and prescribe treatments, such as hearing aids with tinnitus masking features. 
  • Audiologists can also help with the management of ear health, such as impacted earwax. If earwax builds up in the ear canal, it can cause issues such as pain, aural fullness, and even hearing loss. Audiologists are able to safely remove earwax buildup using professional, reliable techniques. 
  • Audiologists can help to resolve the symptoms of ear infections, such as swelling, redness and pain, usually by prescribing either oral antibiotics or an ear spray. 

Hearing aid management 

  • Audiologists can properly fit a person’s hearing aids to make sure they get the most from the device and to ensure full functionality is achieved. 
  • Hearing aids are worn every day, which means they can be susceptible to dust, earwax buildup, moisture and similar issues. In some cases, these issues can be significant enough to impede the device’s ability to function. Audiologists can professionally clean hearing aids and return them to full working order. 
  • If hearing aids malfunction, audiologists can conduct repairs and return the device in the best possible condition. 

Hearing health advice and guidance 

  • Audiologists can advise on the different types of hearing protection that are available, and which may be the most suited to an individual’s specific requirements.
  • Good hearing protection is crucial in the effort to protect hearing health, particularly for those who are regularly exposed to loud noise – such as musicians or those people who work in construction. 
  • Audiologists can also provide lifestyle and hearing health tips that can help to preserve existing hearing. 

Improving communication

  • Audiologists can help people to communicate effectively when living with hearing loss. 
  • This can mean teaching the ability to recognize facial cues, or how to lip read. 
  • Audiologists can also help family members of those experiencing hearing loss, helping to foster good communication techniques. 

Treating balance disorders

  • Audiologists can also assist in the treatment of balance disorders, such as Meniere’s disease. 
  • Symptoms of balance disorders include: dizziness, vertigo confusion and blurred vision. 
  • Treatments such as gaze stabilization and posture exercises can be used to help improve symptoms. 

Audiologists can, assist with hearing loss and hearing aids – visiting an audiologist can be beneficial for numerous other reasons, too. If you, or your family, require assistance with any of the above areas, then arrange an appointment with an audiologist at your next convenience.