The Internet is awesome. You can watch crazy cat videos, check the weather 15 days in advance and even buy clothes, shoes and groceries, and have them delivered right to your house. The Internet makes all of this possible from the comfort of your home. But the Internet isn’t always awesome for everything.

Understanding online hearing tests

In the not-so-awesome category of Internet services are online hearing tests. These can be found on a variety of websites, from hearing aid manufacturers to general health sites.

These tests ask you to listen to sounds with varying levels of background noise. The sounds are played at different volumes. A typical test may call out words and have you select a picture that represents the word.

Online hearing tests like these can be problematic. First, if you are in a noisy room to begin with, the results will not be accurate. In addition, the quality of the sound you hear is only as good as the quality of sound that is generated by your computer speakers.

Online hearing tests as screening tools

Even though they have limitations, online screening tests can confirm suspicions with hearing. If loved ones have been telling you to check your hearing this might be a good place to start. Keep in mind the limitations. If an online hearing test tells you your hearing is fine, but your spouse still complains you have the TV or radio too loud or you can’t hear conversation on the phone clearly, you probably still want to get your hearing tested by a hearing specialist.

The best online hearing tests

The best online hearing tests do not ask you to listen to sounds at all. Instead, these are screening tests that ask a number of questions about your ability to hear in a wide variety of situations. They also include questions about past health problems and problems with ringing in the ears or tinnitus. HealthyHearing has an online test that not only screens for problems with hearing, but it compares your results to a dog breed with similar hearing levels, making it easier to break the barrier and begin a conversation about hearing loss.

The best hearing tests

You won’t find the best hearing test online. You are only going to find quality hearing screenings and testing in the office of a trained hearing specialist. These professionals are concerned with the sense of hearing.

They have the equipment, skills and knowledge necessary to expertly diagnose your hearing levels, determine if you have hearing loss, why you have hearing loss and what you can do about it. They are familiar with different types of hearing aids and can provide counseling and adaptive strategies to live a full life with hearing loss.

Hearing care providers can help move you from the world of missed conversations and muffled noise back into a world of rich sounds.

If you think you have hearing loss, you probably do. Call a hearing specialist and make an appointment for a screening today!