It’s no surprise that even as adults, we still don’t like taking tests! However, there are times when exams are necessary and helpful. That’s especially the case when it comes to our hearing. Even if you haven’t noticed any issues with your hearing, an exam is a good idea, especially if you’re over 50. If you’re still asking, “Why should I have a hearing test?” here are several good reasons.

1. To establish a baseline

As we age, our bodies change. Chances are your eyesight is not as sharp as it was when you were younger, and you’ve probably had at least a few visits to the dentist. Your hearing changes as well. If the last time you had a hearing test was several decades ago, it’s time to make an appointment! Audiologists recommend a baseline hearing test when you’re in your 50s. Those results are charted and used as a reference point for future tests. If you do have some hearing loss, it’s best to catch it early. If your hearing is within normal range, the baseline test results will help to catch any future hearing loss early.

2. To improve family relationships

Some people find they’re bickering almost every night about the volume of the television. You may want it louder and your spouse may repeatedly ask you to turn the volume down. Instead of arguing every night, isn’t it better to consider finding out if you have some hearing loss? Once you move toward a solution, both you and your spouse will be happier.

3. To check for health problems

While hearing loss often is connected with aging, that’s not always the issue. Hearing loss may be a symptom of an infection, an earwax impaction or something more serious including diabetes, cardiovascular disease or kidney disease. If you have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or vertigo (balance issues), these also are related to hearing. Some drugs have side effects that impact hearing. An audiologist can determine if any hearing loss is due to health problems.

4. To get answers

It’s human nature to procrastinate when it comes to things we don’t want to do. But isn’t it better to get answers? If you suspect you have a hearing loss and have been putting off scheduling a hearing exam, it’s time to move ahead and get it done. In the long run, you’ll see an improvement in your day-to-day life and communication. Today’s hearing aids are vastly different from those our parents used. Your audiologist can discuss the advantages offered with devices in a wide-range of styles and costs.

A hearing test takes only about an hour and gives you an excellent idea of where things stand when it comes to your hearing. Think about it – isn’t your hearing health important? When you ask yourself, “Why should I have a hearing test?” Hopefully, after reading this article, your answer is, “Because I want to take care of myself and my hearing.”