Looking after your hearing aid is important if you want to save yourself the time, cash and hassle of getting it repaired. Not only will you have to go without it for some time if this is the case, but you will also have to deal with the financial implications of getting it fixed, which can be quite a hefty sum.

Luckily, it is easy to look after your hearing aid if you know how to, and all you have to do is make sure that you’re treating it with the TLC that it deserves. After all, it’s a piece of technology just like any of your other gadgets, and you need to treat it in this way if you want to get the most out of it.

We’ve put together three tips that your audiologist may give you, so that you can avoid hearing aid repairs.

1. Look after it when you’re not using it

When you take your hearing aid out overnight – or in any other circumstances – it’s important to look after it properly. Just like any other piece of tech, you wouldn’t just leave it somewhere where it’s not protected, especially as this is something that you use on a daily basis, and it is so important to your health.

When you’re not using it, make sure that you keep it in a box, away from animals and children. You don’t want to wake up to find that your dog has chewed up your hearing aid, as it can have a detrimental effect on your hearing for weeks, and you’ll have to pay out a lot for the repairs.

2. Don’t get it wet

One common mistake that people make is that they forget to take their hearing aids out when they get into contact with water, and this can be pretty bad news. Anything with a battery in it generally shouldn’t get near water, so make sure that you remove it when you go swimming, and when you bath or shower.

If this does happen, you need to make sure that you turn the device off immediately, and that you take the battery out of it. In the case of water damage, the battery will be unfit for use, so you need to take it out and get a new one. Leave the rest of the hearing aid to dry, and put in a new battery when it’s fully dried out.

3. Change the battery regularly

Another thing that can affect your hearing aid is a battery that is worn out, so make sure that you change the battery regularly. If the battery is of poor quality, or has been used for too long, it could ultimately damage your hearing aid, so the best thing to do is throw it out and get a new one.

This may seem like a cost that you just don’t want to pay out, but changing the battery regularly will ensure that you don’t have to pay out a lot of money for repairs due to not looking after it properly. Keeping some batteries handy is a good idea.

So, if you want to avoid hearing aid repairs, make sure to follow these simple tips, and speak to your audiologist if you need any further help.