Audiologists are trained professionals that understand hearing better than anyone else. They are actually the only professionals in the world that are licensed and trained to identify different types of hearing disorders. Whether it’s diagnosing, treating or evaluating the condition of your hearing disorder, it’s important to pick the right audiologist for your needs. Not all audiologists are the same and the individual skill and resources that each one has can have a huge impact on the quality of healthcare you receive. To help you pick the correct audiologist, we’ve prepared these three points that you need to consider.

Check the reputation of the audiologist

The reputation and credentials of an audiologist are going to have a huge impact on the quality of care you receive. If your audiologist has been around for decades then there’s a very high chance that they can provide you with a high level of care and customer service. It’s not a set-in-stone rule and there are many clinics, which offer outstanding care despite only being active for a few years, but it’s generally a good indication of the reliability of the audiologist. You can also check on customer reviews and testimonials. These can be rather easy to fake, so if possible you’ll want to speak with living and breathing people instead of just reading a small quote that could be faked. Professional credentials are also important, so look for qualifications like BC-HIS, CC-A, AU.D., M.S., M.A. to ensure quality from your audiologist.

Seek a referral from a healthcare provider

Healthcare providers are usually more than willing to refer their patients to professional audiologists that they trust. They would never send a patient to someone that they believe is unqualified for the job. You’re always going to get quality service if you seek a referral from a medical professional, but that’s not the only way to get a referral. If you have friends or family members that have used the services of an audiologist in the past, then it’s possible to ask them for advice on whom to see. It’s a bit like checking the reputation of an audiologist, but it will be more personalized and detailed because the advice will come from someone you trust and not a random person you don’t know.

Are they provided by your insurance?

Some insurance providers will actually help you cover the costs of an audiologist, but you’ll need a professional referral to claim these benefits. If you’re going to book an appointment with an audiologist that you’ve picked out, make sure you check with your insurance company to see if you will be covered, or the steps to take to ensure that you will be covered.