There are different ways to protect your hearing and ensure you don’t experience noise-induced hearing loss in the future. Depending on the situation and the kinds of noises you’re being exposed to, there are different protection options in place that you might want to consider.

We’re going to discuss some of the options here today so you can make a more informed decision regarding how you can protect ears in work and recreational situations. Find out more about the types of hearing protection available below.


Simple earplugs are among the most common and widely used types of hearing protection. They’re very simple to use, and they offer a good level of protection. The most widely used are foam molding earplugs, meaning they mold to your ear once you push them into the ear canal. They fill the space and let a lot less noise through into the ear.

When it comes to earplugs, there are other options too. Custom-molded earplugs tend to be made from better materials, and they’re obviously made to the very precise specifications of your ears. And that’s great for the extra layer of protection that this kind of bespoke design can offer you.


Earmuffs and defenders are the bigger and bulkier cousin to the earplugs we’ve already discussed above. They’re also known as ear defenders by some. These sit over the ears, creating an almost sealed area around the ear that’s not going to be penetrated by loud noises.

And that’s made possible by the noise attenuating materials that are used. If you’re looking for heavy-duty hearing protection that’ll serve you well in a range of work scenarios, it definitely makes sense to consider ear defenders or muffs of this kind. If you find yourself a good, tested and reliable pair, they should last for a long time before needing to be replaced.

Helmet-mounted ear protection

Finally, if you need to stay safe from the dangers associated with falling debris and other risks while also protecting your hearing at the same time, you should think about using a form of hearing protection that’s helmet-mounted. This is ideal for construction workers and anyone else who’s doing hazardous work in a loud environment. 

These are available from a range of brands and are becoming more commonplace as professionals and companies start to realize just how important it really is for health and safety to be taken seriously in the workplace.

Now that you have a better understanding of the hearing protection options available to you be sure to consider them and decide which is most appropriate for you and your situation. If there’s anything you’re unsure about or you want further help with your hearing health, be sure to contact us at the soonest opportunity.