If you have started to notice some signs of hearing loss, you may be thinking about booking a hearing test. A lot of people feel rather nervous when it comes to doing something for the first time. So, if you have never had a hearing test, you may have a few questions about this and what to expect. Read on to discover answers to four of the most common questions about hearing tests.

How Often Should I Have A Hearing Test? 

This is one of the most common questions when it comes to hearing tests. It is recommended that you have a hearing test every three to five years if you are between the age of 18 and 40-years-old. As you get older, tests should become more frequent because age and hearing loss are linked. In addition to this, should you notice any signs of hearing loss, it is important for you to get a test at the earliest opportunity.

What Sort of Results Will You Get from A Hearing Test?

A hearing test is not as simple as a yes or no response. There are several different things that an audiologist will be able to determine by carrying out a hearing test. They will be able to learn whether you have hearing loss in one ear or both. Moreover, they will be able to determine the extent of the hearing loss that you are experiencing.

Can You Test Your Own Hearing? 

There are a number of different things that you can do to see if there are any problems with your hearing. For example, you can try having a conversation with someone whereby you do not look at them so that you cannot lip read. Can you still hear what they are saying? 

Little things like this can help you to determine whether you may have some sort of hearing issue that needs a professional to look at it. However, you cannot diagnose hearing loss yourself at home. This requires the assistance of someone with plenty of experience in the industry and all the right training and qualifications. 

Who Will Carry Out A Hearing Test? 

You may be wondering who will carry out your hearing test should you have one. An audiologist will have received the required training and experience to carry out hearing tests and provide a diagnosis in an efficient and effective manner. They will also ensure you end up with a hearing device that is right for your needs.

If you have started to notice some of the different signs of hearing loss, the best thing for you to do is book an appointment with an audiologist as soon as possible so that they can get to the bottom of the symptoms you are experiencing.